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Slides extracts are shown above, where each section focuses on key elements of memory and the approach to employing simple encode and recall techniques.  There are over 100 slides in the program... but don't worry, there is no exam! As stated above, participants in these training sessions will be exposed to "practical" new ways of linking mental imagary with anything they want to remember. Specifically, participants can expect to be able to build and...


  • exploit the under-utilised power of “the mind’s eye”

  • match faces with names and dates differently for better recall

  • memorize data for exams or from corporate documents

  • give impromptu or formal presentations without notes

  • adapt to other healthy brain exercises such as Rubik’s cube

  • remember huge shopping lists like never before... and more

  • combat cognitive decline via a system of new brain activities


Note: after training, all particpants may contact us directly to help perfect any follow up techniques and will be included in a private FB user group.


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