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Power of the Mind's Eye

and learning how to effectively harness it!

The human brain is able to process images many thousands of times faster than the written paragraph. This is the power of the “mind’s eye” which refers to the mental ability to visualize images or scenes in one's mind, even in the absence of actual sensory input. It's essentially your mind's capacity to create and manipulate visual imagery, almost like you're "seeing" things in your imagination, as concept also known as "mental imagery" or "visual imagination".

Harnessing the mind’s eye is central to An Elephant Brain memory improvement training. The power of the “mind's eye” lies in its ability to simulate experiences, memories, and concepts internally. When you imagine something using your mind's eye, you can conjure up mental pictures of places, people, objects, scenarios, and even abstract ideas. This mental imagery can be incredibly vivid, and it can evoke emotions and sensations similar to those experienced when interacting with the actual physical world.

Similarly, the phrase "a picture paints a thousand words" underscores the idea that visual information can convey complex ideas far more efficiently than words alone. While words are certainly a powerful means of communication, visuals often capture the essence of a situation or concept quickly and more directly. A single image can communicate a wealth of information and evoke emotional responses that might require a lengthy explanation if conveyed solely through words.

The concepts of “mind's eye” and "a picture paints a thousand words" are recognised today in the field of in cognitive psychology as “Picture Superiority Effect - PSE” where people tend to remember pictures or images more effectively than words or text. The terms are interconnected in the sense they emphasize the efficiency and richness of visual representation. When you use your mind's eye to visualize, you're essentially creating mental pictures that can be just as evocative and detailed as real images. This visualization ability enables you to "see" concepts, stories, and ideas unfold in your mind, much like a series of pictures. It's a tool that can aid in memory recall, creative thinking, and overall cognitive processing.

The secret to establishing a great memory is to formalise these phenomena into a “system”, something which is consistent, reliable and importantly, structured so as under our control.

Throughout our training programs at An Elephant Brain the common denominators are thus:

Visualisation: mental imaging, creating pseudo or false mind pictures

Association: references to help transfer from working memory into long-term memory

Exaggeration: the more exagurated the image, the easier the recall

These three simple elements cover a huge scope but when combined into a system of procedures developed and deployed over many decades are key to convert an average memory into great.

Now, of course, we’re not talking about turning everyone into geniuses here or improving IQ scores per se; good memory is not simply interchanged with intellect or intelligence. Many other factors such as interest and how any subject is delivered will influence the extent of how one learns. But what we are talking about is potentially life-changing skills and tools that can easily be adopted and adapted to suit individual needs, where with a little practice, can turn the fantasy of instant recall into reality.

A case in point, would not claim to be a genius… but despite brain trauma prior to university, once I adapted these principles, I sailed through university and gained a first-class honours degree, where fellow students much smarter and working harder than myself received lower degrees. And beyond university, I refined and went on to apply this system through my whole professional career.

The beauty of An Elephant Brain memory training, we have designed courses to suit education, business and in health, can work with individuals in private or in reasonable sized groups where the cost of this life-changing tool can be as low as a fast-food breakfast meal per person. And compared to learning and mastering the piano or kung fu, the time to become a master here is miniscule.

In our world and in the world of the mind’s eye… if you have a mind to improve your memory, you’re half way there already.

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