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Better Memory - a Changed Life?

...and what difference can memory training make...

There's no doubt, having a poor memory can be the pits; walking into a room and then wondering why… forgetting people's names… freezing during a job interview or a presentation or a history exam with "my mind's a complete blank"… even going to the supermarket for three items to return with ten and none of them the original three!

And then as we age, the fear of cognitive decline looms larger every day for so many…

Yet, it is possible to change all that... no more laughter around the family table after another failed supermarket trip, or shattered confidence after a dud presentation. Sure, you might have agreed it was funny, even joined in the laughter... but deep inside it hurt.

Imagine instead, never forgetting a shopping item again, without a list or reliance on your phone… remembering all names, historic dates and facts, data from reports and documents... and delivering a great speech with confident eye-contact instead of having to squint at a typed document.

Memory enhancement training from An Elephant Brain is designed to transform such imaginings into reality, providing the tools and techniques to potentially change your life for the better.

To answer my own question, I know this to be so; a TBI decades ago forced me into memory training... and this was to become my saviour and support in every professional life endeavour to this day. And so when a TIA struck a year ago and brain fog reared its ugly head, I was fortunate to have this to fall back on; it helped me then and so An Elephant Brain was launched to help others...

Francis FitzGerald


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